Use of Allografts in Orthopaedic Surgery: Safety, Procurement, Storage, and Outcomes

Key Points: As allograft use trends upwards, the “barriers” we typically hear about (concerns over disease transmission, the navigation of tissue banks, insurance approval, and optimal storage methods) will be examined and see an uptick of importance. The clinical practice must feel confident in the tissue bank; the relationship between the two is critical  
Surgeons should feel supported by this paper to incorporate allografts into their practice by mitigating potential barriers.

Conclusion: The purpose of this review was to equip orthopaedic surgeons with the know-how required to treat their patients with these allografts.

Access the abstract here.

Adam J. Beer, BS, Tracy M. Tauro, BS, Michael L. Redondo, MD, David R. Christian, MD, Brian J. Cole, MD, MBA, and Rachel M. Frank, MD. "Use of Allografts in Orthopaedic Surgery: Safety, Procurement, Storage, and Outcomes". Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine. December 2019.