Which Are the Most Reliable Methods of Predicting the Meniscal Size for Transplantation?

Purpose: The accuracy of different meniscal measurement methods is still under debate. This study sought to determine the most reliable techniques for measuring meniscal length and width for patients that need an allograft transplantation.


  • The width and length of medial/lateral menisci were measured on both knees of 22 patients for all techniques
  • MRI was determined to be the “gold standard” because magnification errors can occur with plain radiographs
  • Lateral meniscus " the Yoon method was most accurate. Anthropometric data (sex, height and weight) can also be used to determine width
  • Medial meniscus " the Pollard method was the most reliable for width and length


Take Away: Precise measurements are important to ensure successful transplantation but there is not a single method that works best for all meniscal measurements. 

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Authors: Camila Cohen Kaleka, Alfredo Santos Netto, Julio Cesar, Almeida e Silva, Mariana Key Toma, Ricardo de Paula Leite Cury, Nilson Roberto Severino and Claudio Santili

Published: "Which Are the Most Reliable Methods of Predicting the Meniscal Size for Transplantation?". The American Journal of Sports Medicine. 2016 Nov;44(11):2876-2883.

Level of Evidence: II

Institution: Santa Casa School of Medicine and Hospitals of Sao Paulo, Brazil