Long-term Results of Treating Large Posttraumatic Tibial Plateau Lesions with Fresh Osteochondral Allograft Transplantation

Purpose: To assess the long-term outcomes of this procedure and factors impacting graft survivorship of fresh osteochondral allograft transplantation as a treatment option for large posttraumatic tibial osteochondral defects.

Summary: This paper discusses fresh osteochondral allograft transplantation as a viable option for posttraumatic tibial osteochondral defects determining that it is an excellent option that delayed the need for arthroplasty.

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Abolghasemian, Mansour MD; León, Sebastián MD; Lee, Paul T.H. MA, FRCS(T&O); Safir, Oleg MD, FRCSC; Backstein, David MD, FRCSC; Gross, Allan E. MD, FRCSC; Kuzyk, Paul R.T. MD, FRCSC. "Long-Term Results of Treating Large Posttraumatic Tibial Plateau Lesions with Fresh Osteochondral Allograft Transplantation". The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery: June 19, 2019 - Volume 101 - Issue 12 - p 1102-1108.