
Select Allografts Based on Your Schedule.

High Quality Allografts

Connect with our team to learn how we deliver high viable osteochondral allografts.

Fresh Is Better

All of the Advantages of OCA’s with None of the Challenges.

JRF Ortho is dedicated to offering orthopedic surgeons the industry's most accessible and viable cartilage options. Our objective is to deliver innovative options for allograft joint repair to orthopedic surgeons who focus on assisting patients in restoring mobility and enhancing their quality of life.

Ordering with JRF Ortho is easier than ever! Fit OCA transplantation into YOUR schedule.
Click here to log-in to the website portal and manage your graft needs online.
Ordering options are available for fast and reliable scheduling.

Single Stage Fits Your Schedule

Place Your Order Today in 2 Easy Steps

Step 1: Choose Your Allograft

Option 1: Precut Fresh OCA Core
- No Size Matching, No Wait

Option 2: Specific Allograft Request
- We Graft Match to Your Specifications
- Choose Matched or Non-orthotopic
- More Matching Variables = Less Options

The team at JRF Ortho works with you to find the match you need, when you need it, for the best outcome for your patient

Plus sign

Step 2: Choose Your Timing

Option 1: First Available
- Fastest Option
- Requires Ability to Have Surgery with Less than 2 Weeks’ Notice

Option 2: Target Date Range
- i.e. Holiday Breaks, End of Year

Option 3: Pre-Scheduled Surgery Date
- Specific Date Available for Some Types of Grafts

Why Surgeons Choose JRF Ortho

  • We Focus Solely on Sports Medicine
  • We are the World’s Oldest and Largest OCA Provider (>25,000 OCA's Distributed.)
  • We Offer the Industry’s Largest Specialized and Custom Osteochondral Graft Selection
  • We are a Trusted Partner, Providing Superior Customer Care for 15+ years
Doctor Holding Mobile Tablet

Clinical Results Positive Outcomes

See How Ordering OCA’s from JRF Ortho is Changing Lives.

Life Altering Surgeries

“The donor grafts have allowed me to be a surgeon, permitting me to stand for over 12 hours in the operating room without thinking about my knee because I have literally no pain or swelling”

~ Dr. Rachel Frank

JRF Ortho is the Quality Standard That You Can Depend On

"Customer service and attention to detail are excellent. Staff is incredibly organized and trustworthy."

~Arthrex Representative

Prepare for Your Success

Tell Us What type of Allograft You Want & When You Need It.